
  • Database System Concepts and Architecture
  • Data Modelling
  • SQL
  • Normalization for Relational Databases
  • Enhanced Data Models
  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining
  • Big Data Systems

Database System Concepts and Architecture

  • Data Models, Schema and Instances
  • Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence
  • Data Languages and Interfaces
  • Centralized and Client/Server Architecture for DBMS

Data Modelling

  • Entity-Relationship Diagram
  • Relational Model - Constraints, Languages, Design and Programming
  • Relational Database Schema
  • Update Operations and Dealing with Constraints Violations
  • Relational Algebra
  • Relational Calculus
  • Codd Rules


  • Data Definition and Data Types
  • Constraints, Queries, Insert, Delete and Update Statements
  • Views, Stored Procedures and Functions
  • Database Triggers, SQL Injections

Normalization for Relational Databases

  • Functional Dependencies and Normalization
  • Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization
  • Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control Techniques and Database Recovery Techniques
  • Object and Object-Relational Databases
  • Database Security and Authorization

Enhanced Data Models

  • Temporal Database Concepts, Multimedia, Deductive, XML and Internet Databases
  • Mobile Databases, Geographic Information Systems
  • Genome Data Management
  • Distributed Databases and Client - Server Architectures

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

  • Data Modeling for Data Warehouses, Concept Hierarchy, OLAP and OLTP
  • Association Rules, Clustering, Regression, Support Vector Machine
  • K-Nearest Neighbour, Hidden Markov Model, Summarization, Dependency Modeling 
  • Link Analysis
  • Sequencing Analysis
  • Social Network Analysis

Big Data Systems

  • Big Data Characteristics
  • Types of Big Data, 
  • Big Data Architecture
  • Introduction to Map-Reduce and Hadoop
  • Distributed File System, HDFS


  • NOSQL and Query Optimization
  • Different NOSQL Products, Querying and Managing NOSQL
  • Indexing and Ordering Data Sets
  • NOSQL in Cloud

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